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Lemosho Route

  • Distance: 70 kilometers (43 miles)

  • Elevation gain: 2,359m to 5,895m (7,742 ft to 19,341 ft) 

  • Duration: 7, 8 0r 9  days

  • Acclimatization: Good

  • Terrain: Varied, including rainforest, moorland, alpine desert, and artic

Overview of the Lemosho Route on Mount Kilimanjaro


The Lemosho Route is considered one of the most beautiful and rewarding ways to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. It is known for its stunning scenery, excellent acclimatization profile, and high summit success rates. The route starts on the western side of the mountain at the Londorossi Gate, offering a diverse and scenic journey from lush rainforests to expansive high-altitude deserts. This has made it increasingly popular among trekkers looking for a unique and less crowded climbing experience.


Key Highlights of the Lemosho Route


    1. Scenic Beauty and Diverse Landscapes: The Lemosho Route is often considered the most picturesque trail on Kilimanjaro, as it takes climbers through a variety of breathtaking environments. It starts in pristine rainforests teeming with wildlife such as black-and-white colobus monkeys and blue monkeys, then opens up to the wide, open Shira Plateau with its sweeping vistas. The early part of the route feels remote and peaceful, providing trekkers with a sense of solitude before it merges with the more popular Machame Route.


     2. Excellent Acclimatization and High Success Rates: The Lemosho Route is designed with acclimatization in mind, featuring a gentler ascent that allows the body more time to adapt to higher altitudes. This leads to high success rates, making it one of the best routes on Kilimanjaro. The 7-day itinerary is particularly recommended for beginners, providing a balance of acclimatization time and manageable daily hikes. The success rates for the 7-day climb are approximately 94.9% to Uhuru Peak, making Lemosho one of the top choices for those aiming to summit.


    3. Variety of Itineraries: The Lemosho route offers trekking options for 7, 8, and 9 days, allowing climbers to choose based on their experience and time availability. The 7-day route provides a balanced approach suitable for most climbers. The 8-day version allows for a longer acclimatization period but has slightly lower success rates due to the physical demands of reaching higher altitudes quickly in the first two days. While the nine day adds an extra night at the crater after summiting. 


     4. Remote and Less Crowded Start: The Lemosho Route starts at Londorossi Gate on the western slopes of Kilimanjaro, making it one of the more remote starting points. This initial solitude makes the first few days of the trek particularly special, allowing climbers to experience Kilimanjaro in a more private and peaceful setting. As the route progresses, it merges with the Machame Route near Lava Tower, where traffic increases. However, by then, trekkers have already enjoyed several days of tranquil hiking.


    5. Challenging but Rewarding: The Lemosho Route is suitable for acclimatization, but it is still a demanding trek. Some sections, such as the climb up the Barranco Wall and the final ascent to the summit, are physically challenging. Trekkers should be prepared for a strenuous adventure that includes steep climbs, high-altitude camping, and multiple days in tents. However, despite these challenges, trekkers will be rewarded with some of the most stunning views on the mountain and an exceptional sense of accomplishment.


    6. Iconic Features and Landmarks: During the Lemosho Route trek, hikers will come across several famous Kilimanjaro landmarks, including the Shira Plateau, Lava Tower, and the challenging Barranco Wall. Climbers also have the chance to explore Cathedral Peak, one of the highest points of the Shira Volcano, which provides breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The unique plant life, such as the Dendrosenecio kilimanjari, adds to the otherworldly atmosphere of the high-altitude environment.


    7. Wildlife Encounters: The lower slopes of Lemosho route offer a better opportunity for spotting wildlife compared to other routes. Trekkers may encounter a variety of animals such as antelope, birds, and monkeys, which adds a sense of natural beauty and excitement to the beginning of the trek.


The Lemosho Route is an excellent choice for those aiming to maximize their chances of reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro while enjoying some of the most beautiful and varied scenery the mountain has to offer. Its combination of excellent acclimatization opportunities, diverse landscapes, and high success rates makes it one of the best routes for both novice and experienced climbers alike.

Lemosho Route FAQ for Kilimanjaro Climbing


1. What makes the Lemosho Route unique compared to other Kilimanjaro routes?


The Lemosho Route is often hailed as the most beautiful trail on Kilimanjaro. It boasts a diverse range of landscapes, encompassing lush rainforests, the Shira Plateau, high-altitude deserts, and stunning views from the southern circuit. This route is renowned for its excellent acclimatization profile and high summit success rates, making it a top choice for both novice and experienced climbers.


2. How long does the Lemosho Route take, and what is the total distance?


The Lemosho Route covers about 70 km (43 miles) and can be finished in , 7, 8 or 9  days. The 7-day schedule is recommended for most climbers, offering a good balance between acclimatization and daily hiking challenges. The 8-day option starts at a lower altitude, allowing for a more gradual acclimatization experience. While the 9-day option overnights on the crater at Crater Camp after summiting.


3. How difficult is the Lemosho Route, and who is it suitable for?


The Lemosho Route is moderately challenging and suitable for trekkers with a good level of fitness. It is one of the best routes for acclimatization due to its longer itinerary, which helps the body adjust to the altitude. The trail includes steep sections, such as the Barranco Wall, but it does not require technical climbing skills. This makes Lemosho suitable for a wide range of climbers, including beginners.


4. What is the summit success rate for the Lemosho Route?


The Lemosho Route is moderately challenging and suitable for trekkers with a good level of fitness. It is one of the best routes for acclimatization due to its longer itinerary, which helps the body adjust to the altitude. The trail includes steep sections, such as the Barranco Wall, but it does not require technical climbing skills. This makes Lemosho suitable for a wide range of climbers, including beginners.


5. How does the 7-day itinerary compare to the 8-day itinerary on the Lemosho Route?


The 7-day Lemosho itinerary starts at a higher altitude, allowing for faster acclimatization but also involving quicker altitude gain, which may be challenging for some. The 8-day version begins at a lower altitude and includes a more gradual climb through the rainforest, providing a gentler acclimatization process. Both itineraries have excellent success rates and are suitable for climbers of all levels.


6. What kind of scenery can be expected on the Lemosho Route?


The Lemosho Route is famous for its breathtaking and varied scenery. It involves trekking through lush rainforests teeming with wildlife, the vast Shira Plateau, and stunning views from the southern circuit of Kilimanjaro. The route also takes you through moorlands, alpine deserts, and eventually into the glacial zones near the summit, offering an ever-changing and visually spectacular trek.


7. Does the Lemosho Route include the Barranco Wall?


The Lemosho Route includes the Barranco Wall, which is a steep but manageable climb. Although it may seem intimidating, many trekkers, including older climbers, successfully navigate this section without significant difficulty. The Barranco Wall is considered one of the highlights of the route, as it offers panoramic views once you reach the top.


8. How does Lemosho compare to the Northern Circuit?


Both the Lemosho and Northern Circuit routes on Kilimanjaro are great for acclimatization and are less crowded compared to other trails. The Lemosho route is known for its picturesque views and diverse vegetation, while the Northern Circuit provides a complete 360-degree experience of Kilimanjaro’s slopes. The Northern Circuit is less crowded but requires longer daily hikes and is more suitable for those with higher endurance.


9. What level of fitness is required for the Lemosho Route?


The Lemosho Route requires a good level of fitness as it involves multiple days of hiking at high altitude and some steep sections, especially near the summit. While technical climbing skills are not necessary, prior hiking experience and a well-rounded training program emphasizing endurance and strength will increase the likelihood of a successful and enjoyable climb.


10. When is the best time to climb the Lemosho Route?


The Lemosho Route is best climbed during the dry seasons from June to October and December to March when the weather conditions are most favorable. However, the route is accessible year-round. Its lower initial stages provide good protection against bad weather, making it a reliable choice even during the shoulder seasons.


7 Day Itinerary​


Day 1: Lemosho Gate to Mti Mkubwa Camp

We begin our journey from Arusha and head to Lemosho Gate, which is a scenic 4-hour drive. After enjoying lunch at the gate, we start our trek through the lush rainforests, making our way to Mti Mkubwa Camp.


  • Elevation: 2,360 m to 2,895 m / 7,742 ft to 9,498 ft

  • Distance: 6 km / 4 mi

  • Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

  • Habitat: Rainforest


Day 2: Mti Mkubwa Camp to Shira Two Camp

Today, we will leave the rainforest behind and hike through rolling hills of heath and moorlands, passing volcanic rock formations and unique vegetation. After reaching Shira Ridge, we will descend to Shira One Camp for a lunch break. Then we will continue our trek to Shira Two Camp for the night.


  • Elevation: 2,895 m to 3,900 m / 9,498 ft to 12,795 ft

  • Distance: 15 km / 9.3 mi

  • Hiking Time: 9-10 hours

  • Habitat: Heath


Day 3: Shira Two Camp to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

Our third day is a two-part trek that is designed to help us acclimatize to the altitude. We will start by climbing up to the impressive Lava Tower, which stands at 4,630 meters (15,419 feet) and is a highlight of the Kilimanjaro trek. After having lunch at Lava Tower, we will descend to Barranco Camp, situated in a valley below the stunning Barranco Wall.


  • Elevation: 3,900 m to 4,600 m to 3,900 m / 12,795 ft to 15,092 ft to 12,795 ft 

  • Distance: 12 km / 7.45 mi

  • Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

  • Habitat: Heath

Day 4: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

After enjoying an early breakfast, we will start our thrilling ascent up Barranco Wall. Despite its intimidating appearance, most trekkers find it much easier than anticipated. Once we reach the top, we will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the Southern Ice Fields and Kilimanjaro’s summit. We will then proceed along a winding trail with ups and downs until we reach Karanga Camp.


  • Elevation: 3,976 m to 3,995 m / 13,044 ft to 13,106 ft

  • Distance: 5 km / 3 mi

  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

  • Habitat: Heath and Alpine Desert


Day 5: Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

As we approach the summit, we will hike towards Barafu Camp, which offers amazing views of Kilimanjaro. The hike will take approximately three hours, allowing us to have an early dinner and rest before the last leg of the journey to the summit. Your guide will provide a detailed briefing on preparations for the summit night.


  • Elevation: 3,995 m to 4,673 m / 13,106 ft to 15,331 ft

  • Distance: 4 km / 2 mi

  • Hiking Time: 3 hours

  • Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 6: Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp

We start our ascent under the starry night sky, trekking over the scree-covered slopes. After 6-7 hours, we reach Stella Point at the crater rim, just in time for sunrise. From there, we make the final trek to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa at 5,895 m (19,341 ft). After celebrating at the summit, we descend to Mweka Camp for our final night on the mountain.


Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak

  • Elevation: 4,673 m to 5,895 m / 15,331 ft to 19,341 ft

  • Distance: 5 km / 3 mi

  • Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

  • Habitat: Arctic


Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp

  • Elevation: 5,895 m to 3,068 m / / 19,341 ft to 10,065 ft

  • Distance: 12 km / 7 mi

  • Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

  • Habitat: Arctic to Rainforest


Day 7: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

Our final trek leads us to Mweka Gate, where we conclude our adventure. Your driver will await you at the gate, ready to take you back to Arusha for a celebratory meal and well-deserved rest!


  • Elevation: 3,068 m to 1,640 m / / 10,065 ft to 5,380 ft

  • Distance: 10 km / 6 mi

  • Hiking Time: 3 hours

  • Habitat: Rainforest

8 Day Itinerary​


Day 1: Lemosho Gate to Mti Mkubwa Camp

Your adventure starts with a picturesque 4-hour drive from Arusha to Lemosho Gate. Following a hearty lunch, the trek commences through the lush rainforests, leading to Mti Mkubwa Camp for the first overnight stay.


  • Elevation: 2,360 m to 2,895 m / 7,742 ft to 9,498 ft

  • Distance: 6 km / 4 mi

  • Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

  • Habitat: Rainforest


Day 2: Mti Mkubwa to Shira 1 Camp

On this day, you will leave the rainforest and enter the moorlands, passing through heather and volcanic rock. The trail ascends through rolling hills, reaching the Shira Ridge before gently descending to Shira 1 Camp.


  • Elevation: 2,895 m to 3,505 m / 9,498 ft to 11,500 ft

  • Distance: 8 km / 5 mi

  • Hiking Time: 5-6 hours

  • Habitat: Heath


Day 3: Shira 1 Camp to Moir Hut

You will spend a whole day exploring the Shira Plateau, one of the highest plateaus in the world. It involves a gentle hike across the moorland meadows to Shira 2 Camp. From there, the trail diverts towards Moir Hut, nestled at the base of the Lent Hills.


  • Elevation: 3,505 m to 4,205 m / 11,500 ft to 13,800 ft

  • Distance: 11 km / 7 mi

  • Hiking Time: 5-7 hours

  • Habitat: Heath


Day 4: Moir Hut to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

The day starts with a climb up a ridge before heading southeast toward the Lava Tower, a towering 300-foot volcanic rock formation. After that, you’ll descend through the surreal Senecio Forest to Barranco Camp. Even though you start and end the day at similar elevations, the time spent at higher altitudes is beneficial for acclimatization.


Moir Hut to Lava Tower

  • Elevation: 4,205 m to 4,630 m / 13,800 ft to 15,190 ft

  • Distance: 7 km / 4 mi

  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

  • Habitat: Alpine Desert


Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

  • Elevation: 4,630 m to 3,970 m / 15,190 ft to 13,044 ft

  • Distance: 3 km / 2 mi

  • Hiking Time: 2-3 hours

  • Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 5: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

The day begins with a descent into a ravine, followed by a climb up the Great Barranco Wall. This is a steep but non-technical ascent of nearly 900 ft. Once at the top, you will cross a series of hills and valleys before sharply descending into Karanga Valley. A final steep climb will bring you to Karanga Camp, allowing time for acclimatization.


  • Elevation: 3,970 m to 4,040 m / 13,044 ft to 13,106 ft

  • Distance: 5 km / 3 mi

  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

  • Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 6: Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

You will continue ascending towards Barafu Camp, where you will complete the Southern Circuit. This route offers views of Kilimanjaro from many different angles. At Barafu, you will rest, enjoy an early dinner, and prepare for the final summit push.


  • Elevation: 4,040 m to 4,673 m / 13,106 ft to 15,331 ft

  • Distance: 4 km / 2 mi

  • Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

  • Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 7: Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp

The summit day begins around midnight, which is the most physically and mentally challenging part of the trek. You will climb steadily in the darkness, taking short breaks and reaching Stella Point just as dawn breaks. From there, the final push to Uhuru Peak, Africa’s highest point, takes around an hour. After celebrating at the summit, you will descend back to Barafu for lunch and continue down to Mweka Camp for a well-deserved rest.


Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak

  • Elevation: 4,673 m to 5,895 m / 15,331 ft to 19,341 ft

  • Distance: 5 km / 3 mi

  • Hiking Time: 7-8 hours

  • Habitat: Arctic


Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp

  • Elevation: 5,895 m to 3,068 m / 19,341 ft to 10,065 ft

  • Distance: 12 km / 7 mi

  • Hiking Time: 4-6 hours

  • Habitat: Rainforest


Day 8: Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

On the final day, you’ll descend through the rainforest to Mweka Gate. At the gate, you will collect your summit certificate, and a vehicle will meet you to drive you back to your hotel in Arusha for a well-earned rest.


  • Elevation: 3,068 m to 1,640 m / 10,065 ft to 5,380 ft

  • Distance: 10 km / 6 mi

  • Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

  • Habitat: Rainforest

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Day 1: Londorossi Gate to Mti Mkubwa​

We depart Arusha to Londorossi Gate, which takes about 4 hours. We will have lunch at the gate. we begin hiking through rainforest all the way to the first camp site.


Elevation: 2,360 m ft to 2,895 m / 7,742 ft to 9,498 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 mi

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest


Day 2: Mti Mkubwa to Shira 1 Camp​

We continue on the trail leading out of the rain forest and into heath and moorlands , heather and volcanic rock As we ascend through the lush rolling hills and we reach the Shira Ridge before dropping gently down to Shira 1.


Elevation: 2,895 to 3,505 m / 9,498 ft to 11,500 ft

Distance: 8 km/ 5mi

Hiking Time: 5-6 hours

Habitat: Health


Day 3: Shira 1 Camp to Moir Hut​

We explore the Shira Plateau for a full day. It is a gentle walk east on moorland meadows towards Shira 2 Camp. Then we divert from the main trail to Moir Hut, a little used site on the base of Lent Hills. Shira Plateau is one of the highest plateaus on earth.


Elevation: 3,505 m to 4,206 m / 11,500 ft to 13,800 ft

Distance: 11 km/ 7 mi

Hiking Time: 5-7 hours

Habitat: Heath


Day 4: Moir Hut to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp​

We begin the day climbing up a ridge and then head southeast towards the Lava Tower – a 300 ft tall volcanic rock formation. We descend down to Barranco Camp through the strange but beautiful Senecio Forest to an altitude of 13,000 ft. Although you begin and end the day at the same elevation, the time spent at higher altitude is very beneficial for acclimatization.


Moir Hut to Lava Tower


Elevation: 4,206 m to to 4,629 m / 13,800 ft to 15,190 ft

Distance: 7 km/4 mi

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


Lava Tower to Barranco Camp


Elevation: 4,629 m to 3,975 m /  15,190 ft to 13,044 ft

Distance: 3 km/2 miles

Hiking Time: 2-3 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 5: Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp​

We begin the day by descending into a ravine to the base of the Great Barranco Wall. Then we climb the non-technical but steep, nearly 900 ft cliff. From the top of the Barranco Wall we cross a series of hills and valleys until we descend sharply into Karanga Valley. One more steep climb up leads us to Karanga Camp. This is a shorter day meant for acclimatization.


Elevation: 3,975 m to 3994 m / 13,044 ft to 13,106 ft

Distance: 5 km/3 mi

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 6: Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp​

We leave Karanga and continue up to the rocky section to Barafu Hut. At this point, you have completed the Southern Circuit, which offers views of the summit from many different angles. Here we make camp, rest and enjoy an early dinner to prepare for the summit day. The two peaks of Mawenzi and Kibo are viewable from this position.


Elevation: 3,994 m to 4,672 m / 13,106 ft to 15,331 ft

Distance: 4 km/2 miles

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


Day 7: Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak to Crater Camp​

At midnight, we begin the final ascent to the summit, embarking on the most mentally and physically demanding part of the trek. We hike through the dark, taking frequent but brief breaks along the way. After several hours of steady climbing, we reach Uhuru Peak—the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and in Africa.

From the summit, a short descent takes us to Crater Camp, nestled in soft sands near the renowned Furtwangler Glacier. Though not a standalone route, Crater Camp is a challenging and rewarding extension that can be added to most Kilimanjaro routes. It offers the rare experience of spending the night inside the crater, a unique adventure for the most daring climbers.


  • Elevation: 4,673 m to 5,895 m to 5,790 m (15,331 ft to 19,341 ft to 18,996 ft)

  • Distance: 3 km / 1.9 mi

  • Hiking Time: 5-6 hours to Uhuru Peak, plus 1-2 hours to Crater Camp

  • Habitat: High alpine to Arctic


Day 8: Crater Camp to Millennium Camp

After an early breakfast, we begin our descent, returning to Stella Point before descending the scree slopes. We pass through Barafu Camp, where we take a short rest, before continuing down to Millennium Camp for a well-deserved, extended break.


  • Elevation: 5,790 m to 3,950 m (18,996 ft to 12,959 ft)

  • Distance: 13.4 km / 8.3 mi

  • Hiking Time: 12-15 hours

  • Habitat: Arctic, transitioning through all lower ecological zones


Day 9: Millennium Camp to Mweka Gate​

After a restful night, you will begin your final descent through the forest to Mweka Gate (1,640 m / 5,379 ft), where you will receive your summit certificates and head back to the hotel.


Elevation: 3,950 m to 1,640 m / 12,959 ft to 5,380 ft 

Distance: 10km / 6.5 mi

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Rainforest 


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